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  LOKASI :  Kota Administrasi Jakarta Barat


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accesories,leak testing,evacuation&filling RO-LEAK rothenberger

Update Terakhir
11 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Buah


Pengembangan indokita teknik ; Pengembangan ini untuk mempermudah pelayanan pembelian part.

his development is to facilitate the purchase of service parts, machines and accesories. Our customer is always a priority in business development efforts.we giving a cost compatible price with the other.

Detail Accesories,leak Testing,evacuation&filling RO-LEAK Rothenberger

jual accesories,leak testing,evacuation&filling ro-leak rothenberger
technical data
leak status : LED display
sensor length : 30 cm
leak detection rete : 3g/a withing 3 seconds
working temperature: -10 up to+49'c
voltage : 2,4 volt
weight: 280 gr
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